วันพุธที่ 30 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

About Skin Success facts

The largest organ of the body is the skin. It is composed of three layers, namely:
1) the epidermis
2) The dermis
3) The subcutaneous layer.

The skin acts as a shield between the body and millions of foreign substances in the environment in which we live. It also serves as a means to expel toxins, and do other substances from the body, such as kidneys and intestines. For this reason, the skin undergoes many changesThe development of bubbles and blisters as well as changing color, cracks, dryness, scaling, itching, redness, scaling, thickening and many other problems. Many things are responsible for these skin reactions, and some of them are: allergies to molds, foods, chemicals, cosmetics, insect bites, reactions to plants such as poison ivy, diaper rash, reactions to sun and wind , and reactions to drugs or alcohol, reactions to detergents, etc.

Few people have a perfectWork radiant skin, since the majority would have the other hard, if you really want to achieve beautiful skin and radiant. It must be based on what we considered to be on our skin application. For women, skin care is very important because of their exposure to natural hazards on a daily basis. As beautiful and less pores of the skin, like a child could grow up to maturity is how you, your skin begins to change. These changes are caused by hormones. In The young and beautiful, you must take care of your skin. Your skin reflects your thoughts, feelings and lifestyle.


This type of light visible pores of the skin and often starts after makeup is applied shine.

Dry skin:
This type of skin pores, and is sensitive. Areas that are principally concerned, hands, legs and face.

Normal skin:
Such> Skin has a good structure and has small pores. It is a balanced oil and water. Feels soft and velvety, but also to ensure the needs.

Skin provides a natural shield for the whole body. Helps to transfer nutrients, hair and nails. It also helps to regulate body temperature and even eliminate certain wastes in the form of sweat. Diet, hormones, environment, drugs, emotions, health and physical trauma, any effects on the skin. Regardless of the typeskin, is never a harsh deodorant soap on your face. For those with oily skin, it is recommended that their face clean at least twice a day and gently scrub the entire body of cells that are dead, and also prevent the pores to remove the blocks that may be black heads and patches of other causes. After washing, use your face with a mild soap or detergent to remove all traces of soap. After that, a moisturizer. Those who have skin senileshould take note if the color of their skin to respond to various cosmetics. Fortunately, there are a lot of beauty products skin care, which is specifically designed for sensitive skin.

Do not forget the rest of the body. Apply moisturizing cream all over your body soft and supple. You can also pay particular attention to critical points. Ie, hands, knees and feet, because they have fewer sebaceous glands. To remedy the dry, rough cracked feet, Smooth-On-rich oil or lotion and Vaselinethen the socks before putting to bed. Thousands of women, young and old, attest to this remedy at home. If you have calluses on the hands or feet, visit a dermatologist, who shaved. As the weather gets warmer, there is a higher incidence of acne, fungal infections such as athlete's foot, and yeast infection of the skin.

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